This section of the Learning Hub contains eBites to support members in capturing their thoughts, and allow for reflection on issues relating to patient needs, service delivery and workforce capacity and how they affect Staffing Evaluation System for Leaders [SESL]. The resources have been designed to be used when completing  the SESL decision support tool

How long will it take to complete?  This is highly variable and will depend on how familiar the user is with workforce planning and development; the amount of detailed thinking time they wish to allocate to the tasks and whether they make use of the e-Bite learning materials. Both the SESL tool and e-Bite learning materials have been designed to allow for users to partially complete the different stages and return to them at a later time.

Where to find the tool and how to navigate within it   -  Instructions  on how to access and complete  the SESL tool are available via the video link

What is the SESL decision support tool?

The purpose of the staffing evaluation system for leaders (SESL) decision support tool is to assist members in appraising staffing levels to deliver a safe and effective service. The style of the tool is aimed to support the individual to further develop their skilled judgement, evaluation and critical thinking. The output of the tool is a repeatable dashboard, along with feedback and  suggested actions

Why now?

There is an increasing focus on safe and effective staffing levels within the context of the post-Francis agenda, increasing financial constraint, rising expectations and demand, and a determination to achieve more effective approaches to workforce planning and development. In addition, in Dec. 2017 Health Education England launched a draft consultation for health and care workforce, the first in 25 years. The Scottish Government is expected to produce guidance on safe nursing staffing levels in 2018, whilst Wales has already enacted effective staffing levels for nursing in 2016.


Of central importance is that patients and their relatives and carers can be assured that care is of a consistently good quality, does not compromise individuals’ safety or dignity, and is delivered with compassion - regardless of sector or setting and in spite of financial constraint at a time of increasing demand. Staffing levels are a significant element in providing this assurance. However, they cannot be addressed in isolation from other factors, and they cannot be calculated through partial, short-term or prescriptive approaches to staffing resources which assume workforce needs are the same across settings and service delivery models.