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This eBite contains information, guidance and CPD tools and activities to help you work through the process of returning to the HCPC's register of physiotherapists following a break in practice/registration.

The CPD in Practice series was developed in response to member requests for easy-to-read information and guidance about practical aspects of CPD.

HCPC registration is a legal requirement for physiotherapists working in the UK. It applies whether the physiotherapist is employed, self-employed or providing physiotherapy in a voluntary capacity. Physiotherapy registrants will be invited to renew their registration between 1 February & 30 April every two years (the next renewal is 2024). As part of that renewal process, 2.5% of physiotherapy registrants will be randomly selected to participate in the HCPC’s CPD audit.

This eBite is presented with various activities to will help you prepare for HCPC registration renewal and CPD audit which opens on 1 February 2024.

Once you have completed the programme/conference/placement which was partly or wholly funded by the CSP Charitable Trust's Education Awards Panel, please complete the evaluation survey on this page.

This eBite on Getting Started - First Steps for Stewards is designed for use by newly elected CSP stewards. It provides a step by step guide on what to do after being elected as a steward, including an introduction to the role, the rights stewards have, and where stewards can get support.

This eBite on Getting Started - First Steps for Safety Reps is designed for use by newly elected CSP safety reps. It provides a step by step guide on what to do after being elected as a safety rep, including an introduction to the role, the rights reps have, and where to get support

This eBite is a guide for stewards and safety reps on the CSP's democratic structures and networks. It shows, how as a steward or safety rep, you can have your say and influence the direction and work of the CSP by being involved in the organisation's networks and democratic forums. Stewards and safety reps will be able to see how to take an issue from the local, to the regional and national level of the CSP and help shape the union's policy. 

The CSP is only as strong as its presence in the workplace. Building the CSP is an important part of the role of the steward and safety rep and a key step in doing this is workplace mapping. Mapping is the process of getting up to date and relevant information about the workforce and can form the basis of successful union organising, including recruiting new members, developing effective communications, getting members active and campaigning on workplace issues.

This eBite will explore what mapping means, why reps should do it and offer a step-by-step guide to mapping in the workplace.

To be effective in the workplace the CSP needs to have an organised network of reps to work with and engage members. Just having a steward is not enough. To get the best deal for members there needs to be a wider team of members active locally. That is why the CSP is encouraging stewards and safety reps to set up CSP teams in their workplace to build a bigger presence and spread the workload. 

This eBite will explain what is meant by the 'CSP Workplace Team' and take learners through the process of building a team in their own workplace. It is primarily aimed at stewards but will also be of use to safety reps who want to build the CSP team in their workplace.

Online induction course for new stewards. This version of the stewards induction course is a self-study version and not supported by tutors. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online package to accompany the in-person training in July. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

This Stage 2 course is designed for stewards who have completed the stewards induction course. The course centres around a piece of project work. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online course for stewards which looks at what stewards should be doing on the issue of Equity, Diversity and Belonging in the workplace. This in an independent learning course, rather than tutored course. This is a self enrolment course, which means you can access it by clicking on the course link above.

Online package to accompany the in-person training in February. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online package to accompany the in-person training in March. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online package to accompany the in-person training in May. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online induction course for new Equality Reps. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online package to accompany the in-person training in November. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online package to accompany the in-person training in October. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online package to accompany the in-person training in September. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online package to accompany the in-person training in July. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online package to accompany the in-person training in May. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online package to accompany the in-person training on 28-31 March. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online package to accompany the in-person training on 7-10 March. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online package to accompany the in-person training in September. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online package to accompany the in-person training in September. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online package to accompany the in-person training in July. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online package to accompany the in-person training in May. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online package to accompany the in-person training in March. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online induction course for new stewards. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online induction course for new stewards. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online induction course for new Equality Reps. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online induction course for new stewards. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online induction course for new stewards. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online induction course for new stewards. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online induction course for new stewards. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online induction course for new stewards. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

This Stage 2 course is designed for safety reps who have completed the Safety Reps Induction Course. The course centres around an inspection activity and reps that complete the course will receive the TUC Certificate for Trade Union Health & Safety Representatives. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online induction course for new safety reps. This course is designed for new safety reps to equip you with the knowledge and skills to be able to be an effective rep. This is an independent learning course which means you will work through the course on your own at your own pace and receive limited feedback from tutors. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Induction course for new safety reps. This online course accompanies the June 2024 safety reps in-person induction course. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

This Stage 2 course is designed for safety reps who have completed the Safety Reps Induction Course. The course centres around an inspection activity and reps that complete the course will receive the TUC Certificate in for Trade Union Health & Safety Representatives. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Induction course for new safety reps. This online course accompanies the November 2023 safety reps in-person induction course. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online induction course for new safety reps. This online course is the first part of the new hybrid safety reps induction course, which will include a one day in person event. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

This Stage 2 course is designed for safety reps who have completed the Safety Reps Induction Course. The course centres around an inspection activity and reps that complete the course will receive the TUC Certificate in for Trade Union Health & Safety Representatives. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

This course is designed for safety reps who have completed the Safety Reps Induction Course via one of our distance learning courses. The course centres around an inspection activity and reps that complete the course will receive the TUC Certificate in for Trade Union Health & Safety Representatives. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online induction course for new safety reps. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

This course is designed for safety reps who have completed the Safety Reps Induction Course via one of our distance learning courses. The course centres around an inspection activity and reps that complete the course will receive the TUC Certificate in for Trade Union Health & Safety Representatives. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online induction course for new safety reps. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online induction course for new safety reps. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

This course is designed for safety reps who have completed the Safety Reps Induction Course via one of our distance learning courses. The course centres around an inspection activity and reps that complete the course will receive the TUC Certificate in for Trade Union Health & Safety Representatives. Only registered course participants can access this course. 

Online activities to accompany the joint regional training for CSP workplace reps.

In this moodle you will find resources and pre-course activities to support your in-person regional training on flexible working and parental leave.  

Online activities to accompany the joint regional training for stewards and safety reps.

This space for CSP members who have completed or are currently on the CSP Leadership Development Programme.
Recordings and resources from alumni events will be made available, along with CPD certificates.  Use this space to continue discussions and reflections and to share any leadership knowledge.

This eBite offers information, guidance and examples of practice to help you make the most of the rich benefits of practice-based learning (PrBL) in your practice setting. 

Click here to view

The PrBL calendar will be releasing a bite-sized chunk of information, examples of practice and an activity focused around practice-based learning every day through September. The calendar is designed to:

- promote critical conversations and reflections about practice-based learning
- provide information, examples of practice and links to resources to support and develop capacity for quality practice-based learning
- offer a space for CSP members to share experiences and ideas about practice-based learning with one another
- develop awareness of the CPD resources and tools that are freely available to CSP members

We’re looking for CSP members to join our community of ambassadors to help us spread the word about our Stronger My Way online hub

As a Stronger My Way ambassador, we encourage you to use the hub’s resources to reach out to other audiences beyond the patients you see so that your colleagues and other healthcare professionals get to hear about it and, in doing so, you can gain CPD.  

All CSP members are encouraged to think about becoming an ambassador and to promote the hub where they work or learn.

This section of the Learning Hub contains eBites to support members in capturing their thoughts, and allow for reflection on issues relating to patient needs, service delivery and workforce capacity and how they affect Staffing Evaluation System for Leaders [SESL]. The resources have been designed to be used when completing  the SESL decision support tool

How long will it take to complete?  This is highly variable and will depend on how familiar the user is with workforce planning and development; the amount of detailed thinking time they wish to allocate to the tasks and whether they make use of the e-Bite learning materials. Both the SESL tool and e-Bite learning materials have been designed to allow for users to partially complete the different stages and return to them at a later time.

Where to find the tool and how to navigate within it   -  Instructions  on how to access and complete  the SESL tool are available via the video link

What is the SESL decision support tool?

The purpose of the staffing evaluation system for leaders (SESL) decision support tool is to assist members in appraising staffing levels to deliver a safe and effective service. The style of the tool is aimed to support the individual to further develop their skilled judgement, evaluation and critical thinking. The output of the tool is a repeatable dashboard, along with feedback and  suggested actions

Why now?

There is an increasing focus on safe and effective staffing levels within the context of the post-Francis agenda, increasing financial constraint, rising expectations and demand, and a determination to achieve more effective approaches to workforce planning and development. In addition, in Dec. 2017 Health Education England launched a draft consultation for health and care workforce, the first in 25 years. The Scottish Government is expected to produce guidance on safe nursing staffing levels in 2018, whilst Wales has already enacted effective staffing levels for nursing in 2016.


Of central importance is that patients and their relatives and carers can be assured that care is of a consistently good quality, does not compromise individuals’ safety or dignity, and is delivered with compassion - regardless of sector or setting and in spite of financial constraint at a time of increasing demand. Staffing levels are a significant element in providing this assurance. However, they cannot be addressed in isolation from other factors, and they cannot be calculated through partial, short-term or prescriptive approaches to staffing resources which assume workforce needs are the same across settings and service delivery models.

This eBite offers information and resources linked with patient need to help you to consider  

  • the implications of future patient need and  demand for physiotherapy services and staffing evaluation system for leaders [SESL]. 
  • the effect of local demographic data and future physiotherapy services
  • local priorities set within strategic documents in terms of patient need and reflect on the enablers, barriers and solutions linked to these priorities
  • effects of patient experience on physiotherapy service design

This eBite offers information and resources linked with service delivery to help you

  • initiate critical conversations about service design and SESL for your area of work
  • review the commissioned physiotherapy service and assess blocks within the service
  • consider implications of potential changes in physiotherapy service delivery using a flow chart.
  • take initial steps towards quality improvement for future service redesign.

This eBite offers information and resources linked to the inter-relationships between workforce capacity, service development and patient needs. The aims are to facilitate

  • Reflection on tools used to determine whether   physiotherapy workforce capacity is meeting current patient need
  • Critical evaluation of gaps and identification of solutions relating to  workforce capacity within the physiotherapy service
  • Review of on the association between  staff contribution to service development and meeting patient need

Occupational Health Essentials Course

This is a free eBite open to all CSP Members which introduces the field of Occupational Health.  It provides an insight into the individual and organisational benefits of OH services, what working in OH may entail, who’s who in Occupational Health alongside values and partnerships, benefits to business and quality assurance.    A must for all physiotherapists who wish to learn more about work and health and those considering specialising in this field of work.

Completion time 1 hour (plus suggested 3.5 hours for additional reading and quiz)

Blue and Yellow ACPOHE Logo

Occupational Health Essentials Course

This eBite is free to all ACPOHE members. It provides an overview of the Occupational Health Referral and Consultation Process, Guidance on Occupational Health Report Writing and support on how to use the  AHP Fitnote.

This module will help support all physiotherapists with report writing skills and help improve your understanding of how physiotherapists can become involved in using the Fitness for Work Reports in clinic or Occupational Health settings.

Completion time 2 hours (plus suggested 2 hours for additional reading)

Occupational Health Essentials Course

A further 7 modules provides all the ‘Essential’ knowledge required by physiotherapists interested in working in Occupational Health.  Whilst this is an Introductory Course it provides a stimulating and active learning environment to equip you with the skills to work in Occupational Health or to address ‘work’ as an outcome more effectively whatever your current role.    The remaining modules are listed below:

o   Module 3: Law and Occupational Health

o   Module 4: Occupational Epidemiology

o   Module 5: Understanding Behaviour at Work

o   Module 6: Risk Assessment and Management

o   Module 7: Workplace Health Promotion

o   Module 8: Assessment of Fitness for Work

o   Module 9: Return to Work Planning and Guidance

Successful completion of all 9 modules, including coursework and assignment is required for ‘Technical Membership’ of ACPOHE and will show you have gained competency to at least a Level B of ACPOHE Competency Framework.  Cost £250 which includes marking of assignment.

40 hours - estimated completion time for all 9 Modules, including supporting exercises and reading.   

Additional 10-15 hours - estimated completion time for all course assignment questions.

Here you can find webinar recordings, resources and your CPD certificate.

Welcome to your regional Hip Sprint Audit Hub.

Network and share good practice with members in your local area and within your local pathways.

Hip Sprint Team

Welcome to your regional Hip Sprint Audit Hub.

Network and share good practice with members in your local area and within your local pathways.

Hip Sprint Team

Welcome to your regional Hip Sprint Audit Hub.

Network and share good practice with members in your local area and within your local pathways.

Hip Sprint Team

Welcome to your regional Hip Sprint Audit Hub.

Network and share good practice with members in your local area and within your local pathways.

Hip Sprint Team

Welcome to your regional Hip Sprint Audit Hub.

Network and share good practice with members in your local area and within your local pathways.

Hip Sprint Team

Welcome to your regional Hip Sprint Audit Hub.

Network and share good practice with members in your local area and within your local pathways.

Hip Sprint Team

Welcome to your regional Hip Sprint Audit Hub.

Network and share good practice with members in your local area and within your local pathways.

Hip Sprint Team

Welcome to your regional Hip Sprint Audit Hub.

Network and share good practice with members in your local area and within your local pathways.

Hip Sprint Team

Welcome to your regional Hip Sprint Audit Hub.

Network and share good practice with members in your local area and within your local pathways.

Hip Sprint Team

Welcome to your regional Hip Sprint Audit Hub.

Network and share good practice with members in your local area and within your local pathways.

Hip Sprint Team

This simple guide will walk you through accessing this new facility which allows each member of staff to build a personal profile of themselves and is searchable by CSP staff.

This course will introduce you to Microsoft SharePoint.

This will contain materials to show you how you can use Microsoft SharePoint to manage your folders and files.

This area is for members of the CSP's Quality Assurance and Enhancement (QAE) Network, formed of CSP Education consultants who are integral to how the CSP achieves its QAE activities by providing individualised peer support to programme teams and overseeing the QAE of physiotherapy education.

Accreditation of physiotherapy programmes is a crucial QAE activity, and if you are interested in reading more about the process, please visit the following link on the main CSP website. 

Includes who's who in the CSP, plus the Leadership Team and Governance Team contact details.

What to expect in your first year as a Council member.

Includes your comittee's Terms of Reference, who's who in the CSP, plus the Leadership Team and Governance Team contact details.


Council member role description

Council Chair and Vice Chair role descriptions

Guidance on using personal devices for Council business

Includes CSP Royal Charter, bye-laws, standing orders and regulations, and scheme of delegation.

Includes: Code of Conduct, Conflict of interest, Declaration of Interests Form, Gifts and hospitality, Loss of earnings.

Includes Expense claim Form, Trainline and Grey Dawes travel accounts.


Understanding the Governance Structure of the CSP.

Council member legal roles and responsibilities.

How Council and the Leadership Team work together.

The CEO provides an introduction to the CSP's membership and organisational structure.

The Head of Practice and Development provides an overview of the role of the CSP as a professional body.

The Head of Employment Relations and Union Services provides an overview of the role of the CSP as a Trade Union.


1. The Head of Finance provides a financial overview of the CSP and Council's role in ensuring long-term financial stability.

2. A recorded Finance for non-accountants workshop.

3. CSP Finance Glossary.

4. Test your knowledge with a finance quiz.

5. First Actuarial - 2024 Pensions Valuation Refernce Guide (Zoom recorded session)